Consultation – City Plan 2036 & City Transport Strategy

The City of London Corporation is consulting on two important policy documents setting out proposals for the future development of the City.

City Plan 2036

The City Corporation’s draft Local Plan, City Plan 2036, contains policies on a wide range of topics relevant to the planning and development of the City, including offices, housing, open space and greening, shops, culture and community services.

You can view the full document by visiting Comments can be submitted via the website or by writing to The Local Plan consultation will close on 28 February 2019.

Transport Strategy

The City Corporation’s draft Transport Strategy sets out proposals for the design and management of the City’s streets over the next 25 years to ensure the Square Mile remains a great place to live, work and visit.

You can view and respond to the Transport Strategy proposals by visiting The Transport Strategy consultation will close on 13 January 2019.