Our Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli has, as is customary in the City of London after six years, submitted his resignation and has expressed his firm intention of standing for re-election. In his own words:

Mr Ian Thomas CBE, Town Clerk and Chief Executive, City of London Corporation, Guildhall, Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HH
My dear Town Clerk,
I have had the honour and privilege of serving as the Alderman for the Ward of Broad Street since 2013. Over the past decade I have learned much, enjoyed the Company of my fellow Aldermen and Common Councillors, and appreciated the support of the entire Corporation this year as Lord Mayor with the Mayoral Theme of ‘Connect To Prosper’.
As is our undertaking, before my sixth election anniversary, I hereby surrender my seals of office and confirm that I intend to stand for re-election. May I assure you and the Court of my continued support in all eventualities.
Yours sincerely,
Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli, Late Lord Mayor of London (2023-2024)