Notice Of Wardmote – 18 March 2020, Dutch Church

Please be advised that the Annual Wardmote in the Ward of Broad Street will take place at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, 18 March, in the Dutch Church, 7 Austin Friars, London EC2N 2HA.

It is open to one and all, no need to book.  If you would like to raise a topic in advance, please feel free to send an email to Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli –

Oesewalum and the Vikings

(ours are much more peaceful than the Saxon-Viking ones)

Bartholomew Lane Junction With Threadneedle Street – Pedestrian Improvements

Starting on Saturday 16th November 2019 for four consecutive weekends, the City of London will be undertaking pedestrian improvement work at the junction of Bartholomew Lane and Threadneedle Street. During these weekends a short diversion allowing access to all nearby properties will be in place that will allow the junction to be closed to allow for work to proceed.

Potentially noisy works are due to take place from 9am to 4pm on Saturday and from 9am to 2pm on Sunday and, to confirm, the junction will remain open on weekdays during construction. This work is being undertaken in collaboration with Reach Active’s utility work in the area to minimise the disruption caused to local businesses and residents.

This work, the design of which is overleaf, forms part of pedestrian improvements around Bank Junction and will include construction of a new footpath buildout and raised section of road. These improvements are designed to make crossing Bartholomew Lane at this location safer and more comfortable for pedestrians.

Should you have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact Daniel Laybourn at or on 0207 332 3041 to discuss.

June Newsletter – Dutch Church, Austin Friars’ – Dutch Hidden Gem

We’re delighted to have a guest author for our six monthly ward newsletter –  Rev. Bertjan van de Lagemaat, Minister of the Dutch Church.

Broad Street Ward News – 2019 June

The newsletter covers the fascinating role the Church plays in our ward and City community, as well as their most successful Kingsday.

Threee Into One

London has always been a city of commerce and a city of food.  The City of London Corporation’s wholesale markets, Billingsgate, Smithfield and New Spitalfields, have been at its heart for centuries and have adapted to the City’s changing needs for generations.  The City Corporation now has an opportunity to bring all three markets together for the first time at Dagenham in the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham to ensure that they can continue to serve future generations.

We welcome your comments at this important moment for the markets to ensure the proposals reflect the needs of customers and stakeholders.  Give your opinion here.

Further Background

On 25 April, a decision was taken for the City Corporation to move ahead with a proposal to consolidate the three wholesale markets, to a new site at Dagenham Dock.

Following the decision, an initial public consultation to seek the views of a wider range of stakeholders on the principle of consolidating the markets, the City Corporation’s vision and the preferred option in Dagenham will launch today and will close on Tuesday 6 August 2019. A consultation portal dedicated to the consolidation of the markets is now live at and stakeholders can submit a consultation response online.

In early July, The Museum of London will launch its public consultation on the latest new museum plans for West Smithfield ahead of submitting a planning application at the end of the year. The consultation will consist of two displays, one on site at London Wall and one on site in Catering Meats/Unit 307 at West Smithfield, showing the latest architectural visuals and the most recent plans for the museum.

If you are interested in finding out more about this project, you would be particularly welcome at a senior stakeholder drop-in session being held from 6.00pm to 9.00pm on 4 July in Smiths of Smithfield. The plans will be on show and it is an opportunity to meet the project and design teams.

King’s Day Comes To UK

We were so delighted to see the Dutch Church and Dutch Centre celebrating King’s Day with a Friday, 26 April, evening event and a street market from 14:00 on Saturday, 27 April –

King Willem-Alexander and his wife Queen Máxima

There were opportunities to have stalls and displays.  And let’s not forget that King Willem-Alexander celebrated his 52nd birthday, giving us an excuse to post a royal photo (learnt that from the Daily Mail!).

The day itself was fantastic.  1,200 people turned up.  There was a great selection of food, beer, and genever.  Children had a great time completing a series of games.  And of course now there are plans for next year – an instant City of London tradition begins.



Much Bennett Esteem (MBE)

We are delighted to announce that our distinguished Deputy, John Alfred Bennett, was awarded an MBE in the New Year‘s Honours List:

“Lately Chairman, Board of Governors, Guildhall School of Music and Drama. For services to the City of London and Education.”

We extend our sincere congratulations to him for recognition of his many years of civic work, moreover his recent work as Chief Commoner (see year in photos here).

Consultation – City Plan 2036 & City Transport Strategy

The City of London Corporation is consulting on two important policy documents setting out proposals for the future development of the City.

City Plan 2036

The City Corporation’s draft Local Plan, City Plan 2036, contains policies on a wide range of topics relevant to the planning and development of the City, including offices, housing, open space and greening, shops, culture and community services.

You can view the full document by visiting Comments can be submitted via the website or by writing to The Local Plan consultation will close on 28 February 2019.

Transport Strategy

The City Corporation’s draft Transport Strategy sets out proposals for the design and management of the City’s streets over the next 25 years to ensure the Square Mile remains a great place to live, work and visit.

You can view and respond to the Transport Strategy proposals by visiting The Transport Strategy consultation will close on 13 January 2019.


Go Jauntly – New Walking App For Londoneers (sic)

Today TfL published research about the economic benefits of the Healthy Streets Approach, as part of a new hub which is available online here:

Research shows that when streets and public spaces in London’s town centres and high streets are improved, retail rental values increase, more retail space is filled and there is a 93 per cent increase in people walking in the streets, compared to locations that have not been improved. The research has also found that people walking, cycling and using public transport spend the most in their local shops, 40 per cent more each month than car drivers.

The online hub will be kept up to date with research and statistics from TfL and others, highlighting the economic impact that street improvements can have. Current material on the hub includes:

  • a report setting out the economic benefits of planning cycling and walking improvements alongside housing growth
  • a survey of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) demonstrating the economic importance of walking and cycling to businesses across London
  • research suggesting segregated cycle routes in London make our streets more efficient.

This research shows the importance of walking and cycling to high streets and local economies, which is why TfL is working to create high streets that are designed for people, inclusive and easy to access by foot or cycle.

One way we are encouraging people to walk more is through Go Jauntly, a discovery and wayfinding app for walking. Go Jauntly, recently selected as the winner of the Mayor’s Active Travel Innovation Challenge, enables people to enjoy self-guided routes with directions, photos and facts along the way. This Christmas the app will showcase local town centres, highlighting unique shopping opportunities across London and encouraging people to shop local. The free app is available to download on the iTunes app store.


To the Ward of Broad Street,

As Alderman for your Ward, I thought I would write and bring you up-to-date with news.

First, you should be receiving our Broad Street Ward Newsletter every six months.  If not, or you would like to receive it electronically, please do contact me.

Second, I enclose a few items which might be of interest:

Third, we have made great progress in Broad Street Ward in three major areas:

  • Refurbishment and all-but-pedestrianisation of Austin Friars.  This project was completed, on budget, and on time.  We have plans for more social and community activities in this area.  Please do look out for a Ward Might later in the year, basically an open house in the centre of the Ward one lunchtime.  Also look out next year for a street market.
  • On-site shredder vans. An outright ban seems a ways off, but we have reduced these vehicles to almost the minimum.  If you spot a particular offender, i.e., idling or unattended in a restricted parking area, please do feel free to photograph them and send to me.
  • We are proud of the website, now in its fifth year.  We also have a twitter account @broadstreetward.  We are trying to ‘follow’ all businesses and people in the Ward, so please do ‘follow’ us by return!

Two further opportunities that might interest you:

  • City & Ward Overview. Your members are always ready to come to offices in the Ward to explain the City of London, the history, livery companies, wards, philanthropy, and local services.  We have a presentation, “What Could The ‘City of London’ Ever Do For Me? Or How Can I Drive Sheep Across London Bridge?” we’d be delighted to give to you and your colleagues if you wish.  The presentation also covers how to apply for the Freedom of the City of London, again, something where your members, Deputy John Bennett, John Scott CC, Chris Hayward CC, and I, would be delighted to sponsor voters.  Equally, for a large party, we would be happy to host you at the Guildhall for such a presentation, along with a short tour.  To request a City & Ward Overview, just email me at
  • City Giving Day is taking place on 25 September 2018.  It’s one day in the year when businesses can unite to celebrate and showcase their charitable and volunteering efforts with employees, clients, suppliers and the public.  It is about celebrating what you already do – not asking you for money.  To register, just go to

May I take this opportunity to thank you for your support.  Your members are always open to ideas for change and improvement.  It’s our honour to serve you.  We want to continue trying to deliver more by Working for the City, Working for the Ward, Working for You.

Sincerely yours,

Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli, Executive Chairman, Z/Yen Group