Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli Elected To Be 695th Lord Mayor

Broad Street Ward is enormously proud that its Alderman, Professor Michael Mainelli, has been elected as the 695th Lord Mayor of London.

As the elected head of the City of London Corporation, he will serve as a global ambassador for the UK financial and professional services industry from Friday, 10 November for a one-year term. He will succeed current Lord Mayor Nicholas Lyons.

The annual Lord Mayor’s Show takes place on Saturday, 11 November, which will be Alderman Mainelli’s first public engagement. It will be followed by the Lord Mayor’s Banquet on Monday 13 November at Guildhall, where the Prime Minister will deliver a keynote speech.

The Lord Mayor acts as an international spokesperson for the City, leading business delegations overseas to key international markets on behalf of the UK’s financial and professional services industry.

In the role Alderman Mainelli will meet government representatives from around the world, alongside business leaders and policy makers both at home and abroad. He will work to strengthen global economic ties with the UK, identify new business opportunities, and promote the UK as a top global destination for foreign investment.

During his Mayoral year, Alderman Mainelli will champion ‘Connect To Prosper’, an initiative focused on harnessing the City’s vast knowledge ecosystem. Surrounded by over 40 learned societies, 70 higher education institutions, and 130 research institutes, the City is a dynamic hub for innovation.

He will spotlight the City’s expertise in areas including finance, law, art, and engineering, while bringing together thought leaders from diverse backgrounds to encourage innovation and global problem solving on critical challenges facing the world – from climate change to artificial intelligence.

He will also emphasise the City’s unique role as a global knowledge connector and talent cluster, showcasing its capacity to address global challenges and foster inventiveness within its communities.

Lord Mayor Elect, Alderman Michael Mainelli, said:

“I am deeply honoured to have been elected as the 695th Lord Mayor of the City of London. As its global ambassador, I will champion the UK financial and professional services industry – not only as a powerhouse of the UK economy – but also a driver of prosperity to key markets abroad.

My ‘Connect To Prosper‘ theme will bring together thought leaders from the business, scientific, and academic worlds to demonstrate the City’s strengths in solving global challenges.  Together we will showcase the Square Mile’s unique leadership role as the world’s coffeehouse, where connections between firms, institutions, and people, lead to new ideas and solutions that benefit the world.”

We very much look forward to Professor Mainelli’s time as Lord Mayor, which is the highlight of our ongoing commitment to the City.  You can read his acceptance speech and learn about his Mayoral theme, ‘Connect To Prosper‘.

Background – Financial and professional services firms employ over seven per cent of the UK workforce, 2.3m people, two-thirds of whom are outside London. The City accounts for one in every five financial services jobs in the UK.  Financial and professional services firms contributed nearly £100 billion in taxes in 2020, providing over 13% of the UK’s total tax revenue.  The UK was the world’s leading net exporter of financial and professional services (£121bn) in 2020. Financial services accounted for £82bn and professional services for £39bn. Financial and insurance services contributed £173.6 billion to the UK economy in 2021, 8.3% of the total. It was the fifth largest sector in terms of overall economic output.

The UK financial services sector was the fourth largest of OECD countries in 2021 by its proportion of national economic output (8.3%), down from third highest in 2020. Around 2.5 times as many dollars are traded in the UK as in the US. Overall, the UK has 43% of the global total of foreign-exchange turnover.

About Professor Michael Mainelli

Professor Michael Mainelli MStJ FCCA FCSI(Hon) FBCS, Executive Chairman, Z/Yen Group Michael is a scientist and economist trying to promote societal advance through better finance and technology. Originally a research scientist in aerospace (rocket science) and computing (architecture & cartography), educated at Harvard, Trinity College Dublin, he gained his PhD from the London School of Economics, where he was also Visiting Professor in innovation and IT. Working in Switzerland, he conceived and created the first commercial digital maps of the world, Geodat and MundoCart. He became a senior partner of accountants BDO Binder Hamlyn, and Corporate Development Director for the Ministry of Defence’s Defence Evaluation & Research Agency. During a mergers & acquisitions spell in merchant banking with Deutsche Morgan Grenfell, in 1994 he founded Z/Yen, the City of London’s leading commercial think-tank. Z/Yen is renowned for its Global Financial, Green Finance, and Smart Centres indices, as well as notable ‘firsts’ in technology research, including distributed ledgers.

Michael has advised numerous governments and municipalities around the world, including four years as International Financial Services Advisor to the Office of the Taoiseach. Michael is a fellow of Gresham College, King’s College London, and Goodenough College, visiting professor at UCL’s Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, Honorary Bencher of Middle Temple, and non-executive director of the United Kingdom Accreditation Service and a listed mining company. He is active in fourteen livery companies, past Master of the World Traders, an Alderman of the City of London for Broad Street, and past Sheriff of the City of London 2019-2021, with charity interests in the environment, education, and care. He is Lord Mayor elect of London from 10 November. His third book, written with Ian Harris, The Price Of Fish: A New Approach To Wicked Economics And Better Decisions, won the Independent Publisher Book Awards Finance, Investment & Economics Gold Prize.

Professor Mainelli was elected the 695th Lord Mayor of London at Common Hall, comprising liverymen belonging to all of the City of London’s livery companies. He will take up his position on 10 November 2023.


Equality & Diversity Consultation

Have your say on making the City a fairer place

Help shape the Square Mile governing body’s approach to promoting a City where everyone can thrive.

Have your say

The City Corporation is consulting on five equality, diversity and inclusion objectives, which outline its approach to making the City a fairer, more diverse place.

It aims to provide aspirational leadership, enable career progression opportunities for all, create a community-based approach to service delivery and promote socio-economic diversity.

Embedding equality, diversity and inclusion in the City’s work, and attracting and retaining the widest possible pool of global talent is vital to ensure the City remains competitive, productive and innovative.

Are the objectives clear, strong and relevant enough to make an impact?

Mental Health Awareness Week Breakfast, 17 May

The City of London Corporation invites you to a Panel Discussion and Networking Breakfast Reception to mark Mental Health Awareness Week

Wednesday, 17 May 2023 from 8.00 am – 10.00 am
Guildhall, London EC2V 7HH

Mental Health Awareness Week is an ideal time for us all to think about mental health, tackle stigma, and find out how we can create a society that prevents mental health problems from developing and protects our mental well-being. This year’s theme is anxiety – a normal emotion in us all, but sometimes it can get out of control and become a mental health problem.

The discussion will aim to increase people’s awareness and understanding of anxiety by providing information on the things that can help prevent it from becoming a problem and what options are available to those who need further help. Guests will hear from speakers about their professional experiences with an opportunity to ask questions during the session.

Moderated by:
Anastasia Vinnikova, Head of Workplace Wellbeing, City Mental Health Alliance

Speakers include:
– Ria Bernard, Chief Executive, Action for Stammering Children
– Andrew Horobin, Deputy Borough Director for Adult Mental Health Services in Hackney
and the City of London, East London NHS Foundation Trust
– Lea Milligan, Chief Executive Officer, MQ Mental Health Research

8.00 am – Breakfast refreshments
8.30 am – Panel discussion commences followed by Q&A
9.15 am – Networking
10.00 am – Event concludes

If you would like to attend, please contact:
City Events and Protocol Team, City Remembrancer’s Office
0207 332 3200

Celebrating Business Impact In Society – The Lord Mayor’s Dragon Awards Are Open For Entries

Celebrating the best in business, The Lord Mayor’s Dragon Awards 2023 are now open for entry. The Awards recognise the extraordinary efforts that businesses like yours are making to achieve positive impact for their communities and wider society.

Hosted by The Lord Mayor, these prestigious Awards are open to businesses of all sizes and are free to enter.

How to enter

Applications are open from Monday 3 April until Friday 2 June. Categories range from the Social Impact Award, to this year’s Lord Mayor’s Award for Leadership in Financial Literacy, the Inclusive Employment Award and more.

Here’s your guide to entering:

  • Take a look at the entry guidance
  • Choose the category that best fits the work you’ve been doing to achieve impact
  • Log in, or create an account, to make your application
  • Save your application as you go
  • Submit!

Click here to find out more and apply.

If you have any questions take a look at the FAQs or get in touch with the Dragon’s team directly and they’d be happy to help.

Crown Your Saturday – King’s Day 2023

Join us on Saturday, 29 April 2023, to celebrate the Dutch King’s birthday in unforgettable style. Bring your family and friends and enjoy a fun ultra-Dutch experience. Dutch food & drink, flea market, book stall, children’s activities, charity auctions, and much more. No need to register. All welcome!

To round the day off in style this year, there will be a party in the evening starting at 18:30, organised by  NL Borrel, PR Dutch Drinks and ECHT (A London based, international multi-media, entertainment brand). Shaking things up and making it a night to remember will be a live band performing (Dutch) classics and Emma Robin who will be singing tracks from her favourite records. Expect a typical Dutch house party atmosphere as well with commanding the wheels of steel.

Sample some of the best Dutch craft beers and tuck in to all your favourite Dutch snacks served by PR Dutch Drinks and The Bolton.

Dental Sparkle At Austin Friars

We are delighted to welcome a new business to Broad Street Ward – here is their story…

The inner sanctum of Austin Friars is, of course, one of the delights of Broad Street Ward. As you enter this wonderful space, you relish the opportunity to ‘detach’ from the City bustle and enjoy its special features. Now, at No.14 on the 1st floor above the Soho Cafe, there’s a new one – CAP City Dental.

This well-established dental practice has been a proud resident of the City for over two decades, earning a fine reputation for the quality of its General and Aesthetic Dentistry. Last October, CAP City Dental relocated from Cannon Street to Austin Friars after successfully installing a splendid new interior while keeping to the design requirements of a listed building.

“We absolutely love being here” explains Dr George Druttman, owner and Principal Dentist. “It’s so quiet, calming and clean … no traffic noise save for the church bells and no pollution. Quite a few of our patients have anxieties about their dental visits, but after they come we see how soon they relax. Of course it also helps that we’re one of the few dental practices to offer ‘relaxing gas’ (Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen sedation), which is completely safe.”

For many who work in the City, having a good dental practice nearby is very convenient and attractive. In most cases they only need to take an hour’s break. CAP does its utmost to accommodate patients within convenient time slots – and to be available in times of emergency (for example if there’s a front tooth problem just before a presentation).

General Dentistry is all about keeping teeth healthy and functioning well. Aesthetic Dentistry is about improving the attractiveness of the smile – which is certainly a consideration in the City. Aesthetic physical appearance is important – especially our teeth, which we can’t really hide.

Teeth may be chipped, discoloured, misshapen, or even missing. In every case, the wonders of modern dentistry can be quickly applied to correct damage or even improve on Nature. Cap City Dental’s focus on healthy and aesthetic restorative dentistry has helped countless patients to rediscover their lost smiles or create smiles they love.

Six monthly check-up and dental hygiene sessions are emphasised as  the best way to keep teeth and gums in good health, prevent  expensive dental restoration and ultimately keep dental costs down.

A new initiative now available is the Dental for Corporates Deal, offered to employers at no cost or fuss to themselves. They simply include our Dental Care within their Corporate Wellness Package for staff. CAP then gives all company employees and their families 10% off on all treatments. It’s simple and immediate, with no need to submit forms and is applicable irrespective of dental insurance.

“We’re happy to bring an added sparkle both to Austin Friars and to the many people who work around Broad Street Ward. We look forward to an excellent relationship in both directions.” says George with a smile.

For corporate dental benefits, please contact .

For more information about CAP City Dental team or should you wish to book an appointment, please visit, call 020 7621 0600 or email .
Our address: CAP City Dental, 14 Austin Friars, London EC2N 2HE

Age UK Receives £655k Grant Towards Cost-of-Living Crisis

An historic charity founded by an Elizabethan benefactor has given a six-figure funding boost to London’s vulnerable older people struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.

The Emanuel Hospital charity, set up in 1600 and administered by the City of London Corporation, has awarded a grant of £655,154 to Age UK to support thousands of older people across the capital.

The funding will go to 22 local Age UKs across London, who will use it to offer information and advice sessions on topics including claiming benefits, saving energy, eating well on a budget and avoiding scams.

It has been made available in acknowledgement of the increased demand on Age UK’s services caused by the cost-of-living crisis. The charity’s services provide a lifeline to vulnerable older people struggling to make ends meet amid rising costs.

Research shows that even before this year’s sharp increase in inflation, 15% of pensioners in the UK were in poverty, the equivalent of 1.7 million people[i].

Chairman of the City of London Corporation Emanuel Hospital Management Sub Committee Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli said:

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City-Wide Residents’ Evening

We would like to take the opportunity to bring the date of the next in person City-wide Residents’ Meeting to your attention.

The resident event will be held on Wednesday, 11 January 2023, at Artizan Street Library, in the East of the City.

This event will be held over two sessions with the daytime slot taking place between 12:30 and 14:00 and then again in the evening between 18:15 and 19:45. The meeting will offer residents the chance to hear from the Policy Chairman, senior officers from the City of London Police and City of London Corporation. Residents will also have the opportunity to ask questions or raise issues about living in the City of London.

Due to the reduced seating capacity at Artizan street library invitations to attend in-person will be focused on residents. Residents who wish to attend are able to reserve their place via Eventbrite or by calling 020 3323176. Members from residential wards are asked to promote the event to residents.

This event will be livestreamed.  The links to sessions are currently posted on our YouTube channel.

For more details, email

Cyber Threat Training – Free From The City Of London

How to avoid falling victim to fraud – Prepare your business against cyber threats before the busy festive period!

• Identify common signs of fraudulent communications

• Spot the latest fraud trends

• Report and recover from an instance of fraud

The session is supported by the City of London’s Small Business Research + Enterprise Centre and brought to you by the Cyber Resilience Centre for London.

It’s coming up to Christmas, which is the peak season for scammers and fraudsters, and the sad reality is that very often businesses are sitting targets.

Each email, phone call and social media message you and your team respond to is another potential opportunity to fall victim to scams that peak in frequency and sophistication at this time of year.

Join this session to learn how to protect yourself, your business and your data with practical, actionable guidance from a cybersecurity expert.

Don’t forget to invite your staff to join too – this affects everyone!

To sign up visit